Discover the different types of paid clinical trials, their benefits, and how to participate in groundbreaking medical research through Santos Research...
Migraines are a common condition. More than 38 million Americans and 1 billion people worldwide get migraines sometimes.
But when the intense pain, nausea, sensitivity to light, and other symptoms continue without improvement, migraines can begin to seriously interfere with your life. If your migraines are getting worse, that becomes an even greater cause for concern.
This blog post provides some information that could help you prevent worsening migraine attacks and empower you to find new treatment options.
Keeping a migraine journal can help you monitor your response to the following migraine triggers:
Hormonal changes in women. Fluctuations in estrogen during menstrual periods, pregnancy, menopause, as well as the use of oral contraceptives.
Drinks. Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages like wine and coffee.
Stress. Stress at work or home.
Sensory stimuli. Bright or flashing lights, loud sounds, and strong smells like perfume, paint thinner, secondhand smoke, and others.
Sleep changes. Missing sleep or getting too much sleep.
Physical factors. Intense physical exertion, including sexual activity.
Weather changes. Change of weather or barometric pressure.
Medications. Oral contraceptives and vasodilators, such as nitroglycerin.
Foods. Certain foods such as aged cheeses and salty and processed foods, or skipping meals.
Food additives. Aspartame and monosodium glutamate (MSG) are present in many foods.
Because there are still aspects of migraines that are not fully understood, Santos Research Center is conducting clinical trials to help develop new treatments for migraine.
A few different migraine medications that work to relieve headache pain are available, but there are no current treatments that can cure these headaches. Pain medication seeks to treat the symptoms or prevent the migraine from starting, but some have tried drug after drug without finding any relief.
If you're one of these people, you have another option—a clinical research trial. Researchers utilize these studies to test out new, more targeted migraine treatments. You can access potentially more effective migraine therapy by participating in a trial.
Many clinical trials are studying new treatments for migraine. These studies are being conducted in facilities such as university medical centers, government agencies, and drug companies.
You need to meet all of the qualifications to be able to enroll in the study. Meeting the criteria ensures the most accurate results.
Before starting the study, you'll have to sign an informed consent form. By signing this form, you will show that you understand the purpose of the study, along with its benefits and risks.
The doctors will give you an examination and review your medical history before starting. If you're accepted into the trial, you'll be assigned to a study group.
If you are in the treatment group, you'll get the migraine drug being studied. If you're in the control group, you will get an older medicine or an inactive pill called a placebo.
If the study is blinded, you will not know which group you belong to. The research team also might not know which treatment you're getting.
Phase I
Phase I studies usually have fewer than 100 participants. At this phase, the researchers want to learn how much of the treatment to give participants and whether it's safe.
Phase II
Phase II studies are conducted when the drug's safety has been confirmed. They are usually larger, with 100 to 300 participants. The researchers want to learn more about the treatment's safety and the correct dosage at this stage.
Phase III
Phase III studies are conducted to compare the new treatment to an existing treatment to determine if it's more effective.
Phase IV
Phase IV studies are conducted after the drug is approved to know more about it.
When you take part in a clinical research trial at Santos Research Center, you'll get access to a new migraine treatment before it's available to everyone. This new treatment may be better than what's currently available.
If you think you may have migraines or migraine-related pain, you may want to investigate the paid clinical trials in Tampa.
These trials are open to a large age range and offer several benefits.
Santos Research Center in Tampa is open to participants for our ongoing research on new medical interventions to treat migraine. To schedule an appointment with us, call (813) 249-9100 or visit
Symptoms of migraine include pain. The pain of a migraine is often a deep throbbing sensation on one side of your head. This can also cause nausea and vomiting.
Migraine can vary in intensity and location. With acute migraine attacks, the place where a migraine begins isn't always where it stays.
People may also experience blind spots or tunnel vision. These headaches, known as migraine with aura, account for about 30 percent of migraines.
Several different factors make you more prone to having migraines, such as:
Family history. If you have a family member suffering from migraines, you have a good chance of developing them.
Age. Migraines happen at any age, though the first often occurs during adolescence. They tend to peak during your 30s and gradually become less severe and less frequent in the following years.
Sex. Women are 3 times more likely to have migraines than men.
Hormonal changes. For women who have migraines, headaches might start just before or shortly after menstruation. They might also change during pregnancy or menopause. Migraines usually improve after menopause.
If you are experiencing 15 or more headache days every month, you're likely dealing with chronic migraine.
Discover the different types of paid clinical trials, their benefits, and how to participate in groundbreaking medical research through Santos Research...
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