5927 Webb Rd Tampa FL 33615
(813) 249-9100

Paid Clinical Trials in Tampa

Santos Research Center, Corp. is a research facility that conducts paid clinical trials in Tampa in partnership with major pharmaceutical companies and CROs.

We conduct clinical research to help develop innovative, effective treatments. We will help you enroll in clinical trials that best meet your individual needs and goals.

Enroll in our open clinical trials at Santos Research Center, Corp. now!

Get paid via debit card
Transportation assistance available
No insurance required
Paid Clinical Trials in Tampa

What are Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are medical studies developed to provide data for new and existing treatment methods. Using statistical proof, clinical trials are conducted to determine if a new treatment is safe and effective.

Depending on the type of study and what is being examined, studies can last several months or several years. Clinical trials typically involve people with a specific medical condition looking for better treatments or new ways to manage their illness.

Types of Clinical Trials


Treatment research concentrates on intervention, usually through medication, surgery, medical appliances, or therapy. Treatment-focused trials aim to look for solutions to specific problems.


The medical community will always prioritize prevention whenever possible, and Prevention Research helps. Prevention research checks out the different preventative processes available to potentially benefit our health, from vitamins and vaccines to nutrition and lifestyle choices.


These clinical trials focus on identifying specific health conditions and disorders through screening.

Genetic Studies

Genetic studies evaluate how we can predict disorders based on our genes' relation to potential illnesses.

Quality of Life

People struggling with chronic illnesses can benefit from Quality of Life research. These studies concentrate on the areas where health can be improved for patients in need of long-term care.

How much can you get paid for clinical trials in Tampa Florida?

The amount of payment often has to do with the phase of the trial. Phase 1 trials, for example, pay more because the treatments being studied are less well-understood compared to those in Phase IV trials, which offer the lowest average compensation.

Volunteering for clinical trials is an excellent way to develop treatments that will someday improve or even save lives.

Santos Research Center’s Paid Clinical Trials

Clinical research participants undergo a thorough evaluation by study specialists and are closely followed by our medical staff.

All enrolling studies have been conducted on humans and found to be safe before potential participants become involved. We don't charge the participant as the cost of medical research is paid for by the sponsors of the research program.

Alzheimer’s Disease

We're all in this fight together! Finding a treatment that combats memory loss early could help us envision a future without Alzheimer's disease.

We are recruiting volunteers who are at risk of developing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease as they get older.

* Study-related phone and in-clinic visits with Physician at no cost
Alzheimer’s Disease Paid Clinical Trials in Tampa


- Start Date: January 2021
- Phase: Phase 2
- Study Type: Interventional
- Insurance: No insurance is needed
- Benefits: Compensation up to $1,500 for time and travel


- From 50 to 90 years of age
- Have a clinical diagnosis of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease
- Have a reliable caregiver
- Able to swallow oral medication


- Have a current diagnosis of significant psychiatric illness
- Untreated clinical depression
- Have a history of cancer
- Clear evidence for other causes of neurodegeneration or dementia
- Significant ongoing psychiatric or substance abuse problems

Migraine Paid Clinical Trials in Tampa


Despite numerous investigations on migraines, doctors still have no definitive cure for this ailment.

We aim to enhance the quality of life for people with migraine by eliminating the pain and other discomforts associated with migraine episodes.

* Study-related phone and in-clinic visits with Physician at no cost


- Start Date: March 2021
- Phase: Phase 2
- Study Type: Interventional
- Duration: 3 Visits
- Insurance: No insurance is needed
- Benefits: Compensation up to $450 for time and travel


- From 18 to 65 years of age
- Migraine attacks, on average, lasting for 4 to 72 hours if untreated
- Migraine headaches frequency of 2 to 8 attacks of moderate or severe pain intensity per month
- Has at least 1-year history of migraine


- Diagnosis of headache condition other than migraine
- History of cardiovascular disease
- Current use of opioids or cannabis
- Have a current diagnosis of significant psychiatric illness


Efforts are underway worldwide to continue developing safe and innovative treatments and vaccines to protect people against the virus that causes COVID-19.

The treatments available today were made possible through the dedicated efforts of thousands of professionals and participants who have joined clinical trials.

* Study-related phone and in-clinic visits with Physician at no cost
Covid-19 Paid Clinical Trials in Tampa


- Start Date: June 2021
- Phase: Phase 2
- Study Type: Interventional
- Duration: 7 Visits
- Insurance: No insurance is needed
- Benefits: Compensation up to $1,500 for time and travel


- Participant ≥ 18 years of age
- Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection as determined by RT-PCR
- Initial onset of signs/symptoms attributable to COVID-19 within 5 days
- Has at least 1 medical condition


- History of hospitalization
- Known medical history of active liver disease
- Known HIV infection
- Prior to the current disease episode, any confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Paid Clinical Trials in Tampa

Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Respiratory syncytial virus or RSV is a common infection that affects the respiratory tract.

RSV usually causes mild cold-like symptoms, but the virus can cause severe breathing problems.

* Study-related phone and in-clinic visits with Physician at no cost


- Start Date: October 2022
- Phase: Phase 2
- Study Type: Interventional
- Insurance: No insurance is needed
- Benefits: Compensation up to $700 for time and travel


- The subject has a new onset of any of the following symptom(s) or worsening of preexisting symptom(s) consistent with a respiratory tract infection no more than 72 hours
- Body mass index ≥18 kg/m2 and ≤40 kg/m2
- Tested positive for RSV infection


- An anticipated need for hospitalization within 24 hours Participant has end-stage renal disease
- Subject Has a SARS-CoV-2 test result that is positive within 28 days
- The subject has a history of chronic liver disease

Traumatic Brain Injury

A mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) can temporarily affect brain neurons, while more severe ones can cause complicated long-term physical damage to the brain.

A TBI can have wide-ranging physical and psychological effects. Some symptoms may appear right after the traumatic event, while others may appear days or weeks later.

* Study-related phone and in-clinic visits with Physician at no cost
Traumatic Brain Injury Paid Clinical Trials in Tampa


- Start Date: August 2021
- Phase: Phase 2
- Study Type: Interventional
- Insurance: No insurance is needed
- Benefits: Compensation up to $2,000 for time and travel


- From 18 to 75 years of age
- History confirmed by evidence from medical information
- Must have had no further head trauma in the last 6 months
- Must have TBI


- Progressive dementia
- Penetrating head trauma
- Significant symptoms of a depressive disorder
- Significant ongoing psychiatric or substance abuse problems
- Clinically significant or unstable systemic disease

Rebound of COVID-19 Study

Rebound of COVID-19

Efforts are underway worldwide to continue developing safe and innovative treatments and vaccines to protect people against the virus that causes COVID-19.

The treatments available today were made possible through the dedicated efforts of thousands of professionals and participants who have joined clinical trials.

* Study-related phone and in-clinic visits with Physician at no cost


- Start Date: October 2022
- Phase: Phase 2
- Study Type: Interventional
- Insurance: No insurance is needed
- Benefits: Compensation up to $1,600 for time and travel


- Participants aged 12 years or older and weighing ≥40 kg at screening
- Patient-reported 100% compliance (ie, completed a 5 day course of nirmatrelvir/ritonavir)
- Body mass index ≥18 kg/m2 and ≤40 kg/m2
- The onset of rebound in COVID-19 symptoms must occur within 2 weeks


- Current need for hospitalization, hospitalized for the index COVID-19 infection
- History of severe chronic liver disease
- Oxygen saturation of <92% on room air

Urinary Tract Infection

Uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) are amongst the most frequent infections presenting in the outpatient setting. A growing number of clinical trials are assessing the most effective treatment interventions for uncomplicated UTI.

In a bid to assess the most effective treatment intervention for uncomplicated UTI, clinical trials have been, and continue to be, completed internationally.

* Study-related phone and in-clinic visits with Physician at no cost
Urinary Tract Infection


- Start Date: June 2021
- Phase: Phase 3
- Study Type: Interventional
- Insurance: No insurance is needed
- Benefits: Compensation up to $350 only for two onsite visit and phone call


- Participant must be ≥60 years of age
- Participant must have a history of UTI in the past 2 years
- Participant able to receive IM injections and blood draws


- Participant has a serious chronic disorder or significant cognitive impairment
- Participant has end-stage renal disease
- Participant has a contraindication to IM injections and blood draws

Alzheimer’s Disease Phase 1 Paid Clinical Trials in Tampa

Alzheimer’s Disease Phase 1

We are recruiting participants who experience increasing memory or thinking problems for a study to see if an investigational medication can potentially delay the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

* Study-related phone and in-clinic visits with Physician at no cost


- Start Date: September 2021
- Phase: Phase 1
- Study Type: Interventional
- Insurance: No insurance is needed
- Benefits: Compensation up to $2,000 for time and travel


- From 55 to 85 years of age
- Must have a reliable informant or caregiver
- Participant weight at least 41 Kg (90 lbs) and not more than 113 Kg (250 lbs)
- Meet all criteria for MCI due to AD or mild Alzheimer's Disease


- Patients who received any investigational biological drug within less than 1 year
- Has any contraindications for MRI
- Current important illness or unstable clinically
- Any suicide attempt

Bipolar I Disorder

Santos Research Center is currently seeking participants for a cutting-edge Phase 3 clinical trial aimed at exploring new treatment avenues for Bipolar I Disorder.

This study is designed for individuals who have been diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder and are seeking additional treatment options.

* Study-related phone and in-clinic visits with Physician at no cost
Bipolar I Disorder Clinical Trial Tampa


- Start Date: April 2024
- Phase: Phase 3
- Insurance: No insurance is needed
- Benefits: Compensation up to $1,500


- Male and female patients, ≥18 to ≤65
- Medical History of Bipolar I Disorder
- Female patients must be postmenopausal


- Patients with seizure disorder
- Presence of a coagulation disorder
- History of breast or uterine cancer, or abnormal uterine bleeding

Obesity Clinical Trial Tampa


Santos Research Center invites individuals to participate in a pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial focused on innovative treatment methods for obesity.

This trial is part of a comprehensive research initiative to develop more effective strategies for weight management and overall health improvement.

* Study-related phone and in-clinic visits with Physician at no cost


- Start Date: March 2024
- Phase: Phase 3
- Insurance: No insurance is needed
- Benefits: Medication for weight loss and compensation up to $2,000


- Male or female, age ≥18 years
- BMI ≥27 kg/m2
- Medical History of Heart Failure, Myocardial Infarction, or chronic kidney disease (CKD)


- Previous treatment with glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) agonists 3 months before the 1st visit (Semaglutide)
- Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
- History of either chronic or acute pancreatitis

Different Phases of Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are designed to assess and test new interventions such as psychotherapy or medications. Clinical trials are often conducted in 4 phases. The trials at every phase have a different purpose and help scientists answer different questions.

Phase I

The researchers test an experimental study drug or treatment within a small group of people for the first time. The researchers evaluate the safety of the treatment, determine a safe dosage range, and identify side effects.

Phase II

The experimental drug or treatment is then given to a larger group of people to determine its efficacy to further assess its safety.

Phase III

The experimental drug or treatment is given to large groups of people. The researchers confirm its efficacy, keep track of side effects, compare it to the most commonly used treatments, and collect information that will let the experimental drug or treatment be used safely.

Phase IV

Post-marketing studies, which are performed after a treatment is approved for use by the FDA, provide additional information, such as the treatment or drug's risks, advantages, and best use.


A placebo is an inactive substance that looks and tastes like the drug on trial but has no effect on the disease. A placebo is also called a sugar pill or dummy.

A placebo-controlled trial is a trial wherein there are two or more groups. One group gets the active treatment while the other gets the placebo. Everything else is the same between the two groups so any difference in their outcome can be attributed to the active treatment.

Placebos are a very important part of clinical studies as they provide researchers with a comparison point for new therapies, to prove their safety and effectivity. They can provide the evidence required to apply to regulatory bodies for approval of a new drug. Placebos can play an essential role in getting innovative treatments for the people that need them.

Informed Consent

Informed consent provides participants with important information about the clinical trial, including what procedures they will undergo and possible risks and benefits. This information is intended to help participants decide whether or not they are willing to start or continue with a clinical trial.

If you decide to participate in the research trial after this discussion and review of the document, you will be asked to sign the document and be given a copy. Informed consent does not end with signing the document. It continues throughout the whole duration of the trial as you will be updated on newly obtained safety or trial-related information. Always remember, as a clinical research volunteer, your participation depends on you providing your personal consent.

How to Participate in Paid Clinical Trials

If you are interested in participating in paid studies at Santos Research Center, Corp., please read the following information about our process:


Initial phone conversation to determine study qualifications.


You review forms explaining your rights and obligations as a study participant.


Medical team will determine if you meet the basic study requirements.


You’re entered into the study and assigned a treatment schedule.


The clinical team will guide you and evaluate how you are doing.


Study completion visit to return your diary and medication.

Benefits of Participating in Paid Clinical Trials

You play a more active role in your health care.

You will be compensated for your participation.

Your participation is always at-will.

You don't need insurance to receive medical care.

You will receive diagnostic tests and medical exams depending on the study you qualify to participate in.

You will have access to doctors without waiting for an appointment.

You gain access to brand-new treatments before they are widely available.

Medical experts provide thorough monitoring, advice, and care at leading health care facilities during the clinical trial.

You help other current and future patients by contributing to the development of medical research.

Participating in Clinical Studies

Risks Associated with Volunteering in Paid Research Trials

  • You may have unpleasant or even serious side effects.
  • Clinical trials might include more doctor visits, treatment sessions, and hospital stays than traditional treatment.
  • Clinical trials might not be as effective as the traditional treatment.

Questions to Ask About Paid Research Studies in Florida

What is the main purpose of the study?

Who is going to be in the study?

Who is in charge of my care?

How might this trial affect my everyday life?

How long will the trial last?

Will hospitalization be required?

Who will pay for the treatment?

Will I be reimbursed for other expenses?

Why do researchers think the new treatment under trial may be effective?

What types of tests and treatments are involved?

How do the study's possible risks, side effects, and benefits compare with my actual treatment?

What kind of long-term follow-up care is involved in this study?

How will I know that the treatment is working?

Will the results of the trials be shared with me?

Federally Regulated Safeguards to Ensure Volunteer Protections

US Department of Health and Human Services

The US Department of Health and Human Services provides clarification and guidance on the whole clinical trial process, develops educational programs and materials, and provides advice on ethical and regulatory issues.

Office for Human Research Protections

The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) establishes criteria for compliance with the Health and Human Services policy for the protection of human subjects in research conducted or supported by several federal agencies. Institutions involved in human subject research must sign an Assurance indicating their agreement to comply with the OHRP's regulations to receive federal research support.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for regulating clinical research submitted in marketing applications for food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices in the US.

Clinical trial approval and monitoring by an Institutional Review Board (IRB)

An Institutional Review Board (IRB) must approve every clinical trial in the United States at each study site. The IRB consists of doctors, scientists, and laypeople, like yourself, who are dedicated to ensuring that the study participants aren't exposed to unnecessary risks. The people on the IRB regularly review the study and its results. They ensure that participants' risks (or potential harm) are as low as possible.

Resources for Volunteers and Families

NIH Clinical Research Trials

The NIH conducts quality clinical research for several diseases and conditions, including cancer, Alzheimer's disease, allergy, infectious diseases, and neurological disorders. To find other clinical trials on diseases and conditions, you can visit ClinicalTrials.gov.

Clinical Investigations Compliance & Enforcement

Provides links to clinical investigators who have and/or are participating in clinical trials of pharmaceutical products and regulatory correspondence and restrictions resulting from non-compliance observed during bioresearch monitoring (BIMO) inspections.

Good Clinical Practice

Good Clinical Practice incorporates established ethical and scientific quality standards for the design, conduct, recording, and reporting of research involving human participants.

HHS Office of Human Research Protections

The OHRP provides clarification and guidance, develops educational programs and materials, keeps regulatory oversight, and provides advice on ethical and regulatory problems in biomedical and behavioral research.

Interactive Patient Education Tutorial On Clinical Trials

Do you or someone you know want to participate in a clinical study? We provide current information about clinical research studies to patients, their families and caregivers, health care professionals, and the public. Every study record includes a summary of the study protocol, including the purpose, recruitment status, and eligibility criteria.

Protecting America's Health Through Human Drugs

Drug studies in humans can begin only after an investigational new drug is reviewed by the FDA and a local institutional review board. The board is a panel of scientists and non-scientists in hospitals and research institutions that monitors clinical study.

Protection of Human Subjects of Research

Modern human health and welfare advances ultimately depend on research studies with human subjects. Well-controlled studies with human subjects are essential to verify any conclusions about normal physiology, mechanisms of disease, the effectiveness of new treatments, learning, or behavior.

Commonly used clinical trial forms relevant to clinical trials

A Case Record Form or CRF is a document designed by the Protocol to record data and other important information on each trial subject. The CRF should be in a format that allows accurate input, presentation, verification, audit, and inspection of the recorded data. CRFs can be either in paper or electronic versions, and both are acceptable under the Good Clinical Practice guidelines.

What to Expect in Our Paid Medical Trials

What to Expect in Our Paid Medical Trials

If you are interested in participating in clinical studies at Santos Research Center, Corp., please read the following:

  • Let the researcher know you are interested.
  • The researcher will contact you using the information you provide.
  • The researcher will inform you more about the study through an informed consent or discussion.
  • You can ask any questions you have in mind.
  • The researcher will ask you questions to verify that you are eligible to participate in the study.
  • If you are qualified and would want to join, the researcher will then enroll you.
  • You will review and sign an informed consent form.
  • You can quit participating at any time and for any reason.

Why Participate in Paid Clinical Research Studies in Tampa

Participating in a clinical research trial is a deeply personal decision for you and your family. Many volunteers take part to find potential new treatments for a specific medical condition. Others participate in helping advance medicine for others in the future.

Whatever the reason is, your health and safety are always the top priority of any study.

Other reasons people choose to participate in paid clinical trials include:

  • Benefit from new or better investigational medications that are not currently available to the public.
  • Any medical examinations, tests, and/or procedures you receive during the study are provided at no cost to you.
  • Receive additional care from healthcare providers.
  • Receive financial compensation for your time and travel.

Clinical trials offer hope for many people and an opportunity to help researchers find better treatments for others in the future.

Can a participant change their mind about being in the study once they start

Future Clinical Research Studies

If you would like to be included in our patient database, please click the Apply Now button below and submit your information.

Elevated Uric Acid (Gout)


Bipolar Disorder

Nicotine Dependency

Uncontrolled Hypertension

Apply Now!

Participate in our Paid Clinical Trials in Tampa Today!

Clinical trials help in discovering and evaluating new treatments that can improve outcomes for patients.

If you are interested in participating in our paid clinical research Tampa FL, call Santos Research Center at (813) 249-9100 or visit www.santosresearch.com.

Santos Research Center, Corp. is a research facility conducting paid clinical trials, in partnership with major pharmaceutical companies & CROs. We work with patients from across the Tampa Bay area.

Contact Details

5927 Webb Rd Tampa FL 33615
(813) 249-9100
(813) 249-9109
[email protected]
© Copyright 2025 - Santos Research Center, Corp.
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